Calgary, AB


TrépanierBaer Gallery is a leading Canadian commercial contemporary art gallery. Founded by Yves Trépanier and Kevin Baer in 1991, the gallery specializes in high quality contemporary Canadian and international art.  Celebrating their 31th anniversary, TrépanierBaer enjoys a distinguished history. With well-established relationships across the country and internationally, the gallery continues to innovate, respond to change, and develop its role as a contributor to the health of Canadian cultural life.

TrépanierBaer supports senior and mid-career artists, and present the work of promising emerging artists, an active program that helped launch the careers of several young artists.  As well, the gallery advances research and showcases the work of historical modern artists.

#105 999 – 8 STREET S.W.
Calgary, AB, T2R 1J5
Phone: +1 (403) 244-2066