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Opening Day | Stephen Hutchings: The Forecast @ Kostuik Gallery

Kostuik Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new paintings by Stephen Hutchings. “Weather is always on our mind, especially when the weather is “bad”, or ominous, like a heavy rain, strong winds, storm clouds, and thunder and black skies. Then the weather becomes an inconvenience, perhaps a challenge or even a threat. The term “pathetic fallacy” is used in art and literature to describe weather that mirrors our inner state. The paintings in this body of work all denote a weather event that can be associated with an emotion or subjective response. They serve not only as forecasts of the weather, but also as metaphors of our human condition.”
- Stephen Hutchings, 2023

All of Hutchings paintings consist of a charcoal drawing, which is the element that separates him from the typical painter. The energy of a drawn image is masterly mixed with soft and dramatic oil tints presenting depictions of heightened light qualities. Hutchings in essence is a master of Chiaroscuro: an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on the artist’s chosen subject matter.

February 3

Opening Reception | Han Sungpil "Canadian Fever" at TrepanierBaer

February 8

Opening Day | David Burdeny: 10 Countries @ Kostuik Gallery